LIFE Oroklini project coordinator visits Slovenia - October 2014
In order to exchange experience and gain knowledge on wetland restoration and management, the LIFE Oroklini project coordinator from BirdLife Cyprus visited the BirdLife partner in Slovenia (DOPPS) in late September until early October. The project coordinator visited three Slovenian LIFE projects (LIFE03 NAT/SLO/000077, LIFE00 NAT/SLO/7226 & LIFE11 NAT/SI/000882) taking place in three Nature Reserves and saw at first-hand the management works carried out there such as creating nesting islets, managing water levels, removing invasive alien species, and removing expanding reeds. All these management actions are similar to those being implemented at Oroklini Lake also.
The visit was planned in such a way in order to allow the Project Coordinator to participate in a workshop on ‘Planning and Implementing Management’ facilitated by an experienced officer of RSPB (BirdLife UK).
The networking trip proved to be very useful as similar work to what is being done for Oroklini Lake as part of the LIFE Oroklini project, is also being done by DOPPS and was also very informative for continuing management at Oroklini Lake beyond the LIFE Oroklini project end, in December (2014).